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Successfully Merging Design and Development

VueFront Official

Sep 24, 2019

Good projects are lead by Design. Great projects are lead together.

At VueFront we always kept design next to our development. And I mean that literally - our designers all sit together with our developers.

Such fusion allows our team to create higher quality products with amazing design and great user experience.

Use XD components or Sketch symbols

To successfully merge Design and Development, you must help your designers to think like a developer and vice versa.

When drafting the first sketch, the designer should start by defining the future components as separate elements that can be duplicated while preserving a link to the initial component.

This approche will help craft designes that are easily converted to HTML and CSS with Vue.

Create a Pattern library

With Component-based Web Apps, it has become essential to define a pattern library. Often starting with simple components like buttons and form fields, it quickly scales to login forms, headers, and Homepage.

The best way to develop a Pattern library is with Storybook. A Storybook is a dev tool for creating a pattern library with each component isolated from one another.

Design Systems

Eventually, you want to have a Design System. A Design system is a combination of rules and patterns that define the look and feel of your final product.

Just by having a designer you won't be able to create a Design System. You need a team that is diverse enough to define rules, competent enough to create patters and disciplined enough to stick to them.

VueFront Official

VueFront Offical Developer account. Quality Themes and Apps from the creators of VueFront Framework.

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