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# VueFront - CMS Agnostic Front-end

# What is VueFront?

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” ~ Steve Jobs

VueFront is a Vue powered CMS agnostic front-end framework that allows owners and developers of an old-fashioned blog or e-commerce site to quickly switch to a SPA progressive web app.

It is open-source with MIT license so you are free to modify it as you wish.


Want to see how your current site looks in VueFront? Follow our simple 5-minute setup

# Who is it for?

Anyone from a basic Wordpress & Woocommerce user, OpenCart or Magento webshop owner to a professional PrestaShop or Shopify Developer.

You can install and use VueFront today. The setup takes less than 5 minutes. You won't need to delete anything or make costly migrations. All you need is a computer with Nodejs & Yarn (or NPM) installed and access to your old-fashioned website files.

# What CMS's are supported

Currently, we maintain support for the following website/blogging and E-commerce CMS backends:

  • Wordpress + WooCommerce
  • OpenCart + Blog Module

In development...

  • Prestashop + PrestaBLog
  • Magento

Soon to come...

  • Joomla
  • Drupal + DrupalCommerce
  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Volusion

# What do I get out-of-the-box?

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” ~ Albert Einstein

VueFront was created as a fully functional Blog & E-commerce web app. You get a working new single-page application with the possibility to turn it into a progressive web app.

In other words, you get a cool new website that is:

  • Super fast
  • SEO friendly
  • Offline ready
  • Modern

For more tech-savvy ones:

Here are five key features of VueFront, that will make your mouth water

  • Backend Agnostic (works with many websites/blogging/eCommerce CMS out of the box).
  • Modern (Built with Vue on Nuxt or Vue Cli, utilizing GraphQL).
  • SPA and PWA (Single Page Application & Progressive Web App).
  • Extensible (allows Themes, Apps, and easy upgrades).
  • Well documented (we know how important documentation is).

# How to develop for it?

One of its key features is extensibility. You can create custom themes and apps for VueFront or use third-party developed.

When developing for VueFront you won't be editing the core files, rather extending them to add new features and themes. This makes future upgrades simple, keeping your codebase up to date. You get code splitting, asset optimization, progressive images, and link prefetching out of the box.

For more information read the Developer's guide


Want to do more with VueFront? Become a VueFront Creator.